Stop Wars Parody Shirt


Stop Wars

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, there peace loving hippies too (more)


Shirt Details

Stop Wars

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, there were peace loving hippies too. They just don’t get as much attention as all those blaster and laser sword wielding jerks.

Professionally screen printed in small batches.

Style: Unisex/Mens Gildan Ultracotton
Color: Galactic Black
Material: 100% Cotton




Crazed Lemming Productions

The Original. Shirts, buttons, decals, and shiny things of all kinds. If it's not designed for one of our more specific brands, it gets the good ol' Lemming Seal of Approval.
Crazed Lemming Productions Logo
SKU: shirt_stop-wars Category: Tags: , , , ,